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The drafting, upkeep and communication of the rescue plan are based on the requirement of the Rescue Act (379/2011). In this rescue plan, there is an account:

  1. for the conclusions of the assessment of hazards and risks;
  2. for the safety arrangements of the building and the premises used in the operations;
  3. regarding the instructions to be given to people for the prevention of accidents and acting in accident and danger situations;
  4. other possible actions for independent preparation at the location. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 15))

The rescue plan must be kept up to date and it must be communicated in the necessary way to the persons in the relevant building or other site. (Government Decree on Rescue Action 407/2011, Section 2.)

There are also other requirements for safety in the Rescue Act; the most important of these are:
The owner and holder of the building and the operator must, for their part take care that the building, structure and its surroundings are kept in such condition that:

  1. the risk of the starting, intentional starting and spreading of a fire is slight;
  2. the people in the building can vacate the building in the event of fire or other sudden danger situation or they can be rescued in another way;
  3. rescue operations are possible in the event of fire or another accident;
  4. the safety of rescue personnel has been taken into account. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 9))

The following equipment and devices must be kept in working order and serviced and inspected appropriately:

  1. extinguishing, rescue and prevention equipment;
  2. devices that facilitate extinguishing and rescue work;
  3. fire detection, alarm and other devices signalling the risk of an accident;
  4. the lighting and signs of the exit routes;
  5. the equipment and devices of the civil defence shelters (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 12))

The owner and holder of the building and the operator must, for their part:

  1. the starting of fires is to be prevented, as well as the arising of other hazardous situations;
  2. the protection of persons, property and the surroundings in danger situations is to be prepared for;
  3. the extinguishing of fires, and other such rescue measures that they are able to do independently, are to be prepared for;
  4. start action for securing safe exit from fires and other danger situations, as well as action for making rescue operations easier. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 14))

Basic property information

Liikerakennus, jossa toimii muun muassa Vaasan suomalaisen ja ruotsalaisen seurakuntien diakoniavastaanoto, perheneuvonta ja kirkkoherranvirastot sekä Wellmedicin lääkäriasema.

Rakennus sijaitsee Raastuvankadun ja Hartmaninkujan välissä.

Basic information

Property name Kiinteistö Oy Vaasan Raastuvankatu 13
Building address Raastuvankatu 13
65100 VAASA
Number of buildings 1
Number of floors 3

Other information

The site falls within the area of the following rescue service: Ostrobothnia. The rescue department's estimated time of arrival at the site is approximately 4 minutes.

Location of the fire alarm Raastuvankadun puoleisen sisäänkäynnin yhteydessä, porraskäytävän ja autohallin välisessä tilassa
Maintenance Byggtjänst Sarin Ab Oy
phone 0503502699
service 0503502699
Gathering area Hoviokeudenpuistikko
Back-up gathering area Osoitetaan tarvittaessa
Key storage lock box Raastuvankadun puoleisen sisäänkäynnin oikealla puolella
Number of civil defence shelters 1
Location of civil defence shelter VSS1 Hartamaninkujan puoleisen porraskäytävän kellarikerros
Heating type District heating
Main water shutoff Sprinklerikeskus: Raastuvankadun puoleisen porraskäytävän kellarikerros
Heat distribution room Hartamaninkujan puoleisen porraskäytävän kellarikerros
Electricity switchboard Raastuvankadun puoleisen porraskäytävän kellarikerros
Ventilation device
Air ventilation emergency stop

Raastuvankadun puoleisen sisäänkäynnin yhteydessä, porraskäytävän ja autohallin välisessä tilassa

Veden pääsulku
Veden pääsulku
Veden pääsulku
Veden pääsulku


Hosted by Sakari Similä
Tili ja isännöinti Mäkinen Ky
phone 0102898702

Important numbers of the property

Task Name Telephone number Service phone number
Maintenance company Byggtjänst Sarin Ab Oy 0503502699 0503502699
Lift maintenance KONE Hissit 080015063

Other important numbers

Operator Telephone number Duty hours
Public emergency numbers 112 24 h
Poison information centre 0800 147 111 24 h

Risk assessment

A risk assessment has been carried out as part of the preparation of the emergency plan and is presented in this chapter. A hazard is a factor or circumstance that can cause harm or bring about an adverse event. Risk is the combined effect of the probability of harm associated with a threat and the severity of the consequences. In this case, the probability of the hazard occurring and the severity of the consequences have been assessed verbally. Measures and preventive actions have also been set out for each hazard.


  • Fire

  • Water damage

  • Storm damage and other weather-related hazards

  • External hazards (radiation and gas hazards)

  • Interruptions or malfunctions in the supply of electricity, water or district heating

  • Accident, robbery or burglary.

Consequences Actions and safety and security preparations
Water damage
Possible causes are usually freezing, blockages or equipment failure. External causes include storms and flooding (heavy rain, melting snow).
Potential property damage Servicing and maintaining the building's plumbing and heating systems, reporting any deficiencies, keeping rainwater drains in good condition.
Power cuts, water leaks or other technical problems in buildings
Sudden or planned power or other technical outages. Broken equipment, such as ventilation equipment or water leaks.
Broken building services usually cause only temporary damage. If unnoticed, a water leak can escalate into a larger water damage. A sudden power cut is usually short and electricity is restored quickly. If the outage is prolonged, operations may not be able to continue safely. Any broken building services or leaking water fixtures should always be reported directly to the building maintenance department. In the case of water leaks, water fixtures also have line blockages, which should be closed immediately if possible to prevent major damage. Electricity, water or heat supply disruptions are unlikely, but operators should be prepared for them. It should be agreed in advance how to evacuate premises in the event of a power cut, for example. In the event of a prolonged outage, it will not be safe to use the premises, so staff should also be evacuated. Heating, drainage and water supply may also be affected, making it impossible to carry out any meaningful activities.
Kaasuvaara in the vicinity
This could be caused by an accident involving the transport of chemicals on nearby transport routes or a fire at a neighbouring property.
Possible personal injury and property damage as a result.

Comply with the authority's emergency messages, which may come via SMS, TV or internet, or ultimately through the emergency services' loudspeakers.

The main action is usually to close the ventilation and shelter in place.

Statistically, the two biggest causes of fires in commercial buildings are human-induced fires or machinery/electrical equipment failure. Fire work is always a fire risk.
Possible personal injury and damage to property. Broken electrical equipment must not be used (risk of accident and fire). Do not store excess items in passageways or on the walls of the building. Also, no extra items are to be stored in electrical rooms. Waste must be properly sorted at the waste disposal point. Any fire work will be carried out in accordance with the fire permit process. In outdoor areas, care will be taken to ensure that vehicles, for example, are parked only in designated spaces to allow the emergency services and first aid to operate on site.
Exceptional circumstances
Radiological emergency or other serious incident in the vicinity.
Possible injuries, sheltering inside, possible evacuation. In exceptional situations, the authorities will act in accordance with their instructions.
Accidents, thefts
For example, graffiti, breaking windows or furniture, or arson.
The result is mainly minor property damage. An ignited object (e.g. burning material on the wall of a building) may spread into a larger fire, with more serious consequences. Adequate lighting in outdoor areas and at entrances. Any signs of vandalism (e.g. work scratches) are repaired as soon as possible after discovery. Avoid keeping unnecessary fire loads on building walls and inside the building. Ensure that doors are not accidentally left open/unlocked during passage, e.g. a warehouse door. Notification of deficiencies in locks and lighting.
Accident or illness
For example, in winter, slipperiness can lead to falls or trips. Snow or ice can fall from the roof of a building. Personal illnesses, such as epilepsy or diabetes, can cause a medical attack. Accidents can also occur in connection with activities or, for example, when an electrical appliance fails.
Potential personal injury and property damage. Electrical equipment accidents usually involve a risk of fire.

Staff should immediately report any deficiencies they find, for example in slipperiness or lighting, to property maintenance. In winter, the building maintenance service will take care of preventing slippage and, if necessary, removing snow and ice from the roof. Staff should ensure that exit routes from the premises remain passable and that technical areas are accessible without obstruction.

In outdoor areas, care is taken to ensure that, for example, vehicles are parked only in designated areas to allow the rescue and emergency services to operate on site.

Conclusions of the hazard and risk assessment

Typical hazards and risks are usually caused by human activity or faulty equipment, so daily attention to safety can easily prevent fires and other incidents.

The owner and occupier of the site and the operators contribute to keeping the building and its surroundings in good condition, and the following requirements are met:

  • the risk of fire ignition, deliberate ignition and spreading is low

  • in the event of fire or other sudden danger, persons in the building are able to leave the building or can be rescued by other means

  • rescue operations are possible in the event of a fire or other accident

Excess goods shall not be stored at the edges of the building or in passageways. In particular, escape routes and fire-fighting equipment must be kept unobstructed. Staff should immediately report any deficiencies they find so that they can be rectified.

Safety procedures

Extinguishing equipment

Location Extinguishing equipment
Kerroksittain käytävien varrella Fire extinguisher
Kerroksittain käytävien varrella Fire hydrant
Käsisammutin ja pikapaloposti
Käsisammutin ja pikapaloposti
Hand-held fire extinguishers should be inspected:
  • at least yearly when the extinguisher is subjected to factors affecting its operational ability, such as moisture, vibration or fluctuations in temperature (outdoor areas)
  • at least once every two years (indoor areas)
Fire hydrants should be inspected:
  • The functionality of the rapid fire hydrants should be checked every year. A pressure test for the rapid fire hydrant hoses should be performed at five-year intervals.

Safety equipment

Sprinkler equipment

The sprinkler system is an automatic fire extinguishing system which starts extinguishing a fire by spraying water at the location of the fire and, at the same time, passes on a fire alert to the emergency centre. The functioning of the equipment is based on the principle that when the temperature exceeds a certain level, the capsule of the sprinkler breaks and water is released to flow through the sprinkler.

The sprinkler equipment is maintained according to the maintenance plan. The equipment is tested monthly and inspected every other year.

Sprinkler system
Location Autohalli
Description Automaattinen sammutuslaitteisto
Location of centre Raastuvankadun puoleisen porraskäytävän kellarikerros
Coverage Autohallin kerrokset

Smoke extraction

The purpose of smoke ventilation is to remove fire gases, smoke and heat from the premises. The smoke ventilation equipment must be maintained and tested regularly according to the user maintenance instructions. The smoke ventilation equipment may only be used by the rescue services.

Smoke removal machine
Description Keskuksella ryhmät 1 ja 2.
Lisäksi oma ohjauspainike savunpoistopuhaltimelle.
Location of centre Raastuvankadun puoleisen sisäänkäynnin yhteydessä, porraskäytävän ja autohallin välisessä tilassa

Exit guide, security or signal light

Emergency exit signs show how to to exit the building. Any faulty or incomplete signs must be reported to property maintenance services.

Exit guide, security or signal light
Description Akkuvarmennetut ja valaistut poistumisreittiopasteet
Coverage Poistumisreitit ja poistumiseen käytettävät ovet
Poistumisreitit on merkitty valaistuilla poistumisreittiopasteilla
Poistumisreitit on merkitty valaistuilla poistumisreittiopasteilla

Ventilation emergency stop

If the building is subjected to an external danger, such as fire gases from an adjacent building, the ventilation must be shut off. In such a case, the rescue authorities usually issue an emergency warning, providing additional instructions, such as to turn off ventilation systems.

Air ventilation can be stopped by anyone.

Ventilation emergency stop: Raastuvankadun puoleisen sisäänkäynnin yhteydessä, porraskäytävän ja autohallin välisessä tilassa


First aid

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002) 46 §, the employer is obligated to ensure the availability of first aid to employees and other personnel at the work place, to provide directions for getting first aid, as well as reserve enough first aid supplies at the work place or in its close proximity.

  • The ambulance will be directed to: Lähimmälle sisäänkäynnille osoitteeseen Raastuvankatu 13, Vaasa. Henkilökunta järjestää opastuksen auttajia vastaan.
The property has the following first aid items available:
Utensil Location
Defibrillator 2. kerros, Wellmedicin tiloissa
Defibrillator 1. kerros, hammashoitolan tiloissa

Fire safety

Fire alarm

The purpose of the automatic fire alarm system is to warn people in the property about an imminent fire. The system detects fires quickly as sensors react to the fire and the alarm bells start ringing. The system will alert the emergency response centre automatically.

Fire alarm
Description Automaattinen paloilmoitinjärjestelmä
Location of centre Raastuvankadun puoleisen sisäänkäynnin yhteydessä, porraskäytävän ja autohallin välisessä tilassa
Coverage Rakennuksen tilat
Type of centre Prodex
COM line 9271 / 62

Securing the functionality of the notification transfer connection

  • Periodic maintenance and malfunction repairs
  • Monthly testing of the notification transfer connection
  • Periodic inspections

Actions in the event of malfunction of the notification transfer connection

In the event that a malfunction is detected in the notification transfer connection, an enhanced surveillance is performed on the premises with the help of personnel.

  • Connection to the emergency centre
  • An on-call person to supervise the fire alarm centre
  • An on-call person makes the emergency notification if needed and guides the rescue department to the site of fire

Emergency exit routes

The principle of exit safety is that all spaces of the building must haveat least two exit routes at all times which do not require keys or othertools to open the doors. Doors are not to be kept double-locked during working hours. Objects are not to be stored in front of the exits.

There are the following types of evacuation procedure in the property:

Building Evacuation procedures
Raastuvankatu 13

Rakennuksen poistumisreitit ja poistumiseen käytettävät ovet on opastettu akkuvarmenteisilla poistumisopasteilla, jotka toimivat myös sähkökatkon sattuessa.

Yläkerroksista ja kellarista poistuminen tapahtuu palo-osastoitujen porrashuoneiden kautta katutasolle, ja edelleen ulos rakennuksesta.
Uloskäynnit sijaitsevat rakennuksen 1. kerroksessa.

Gathering area: Hoviokeudenpuistikko

Hot work

Hot work is defined as work in which sparks arise or in which naked flames or other heat sources are used and may cause a fire hazard. Such work includes e.g. oxyacetylene and arc welding, flame and arc cutting, disc cutting and metal grinding, which create sparks, as well as work involving the use of gas burners, other open fire or combustion air blowers. Alternative methods must always be considered for hot work due to the fire hazard it presents.

Carrying out hot work always requires a hot work licence. The person carrying out the hot work must have a valid hot work card.

The fire alarm system tender must take care of any deactivations needed so that the hot work or other refurbishment work does not cause an unnecessary fire alarm.

Any possible fire alarm system deactivations are to be fixed.

Other arrangements


Location Raastuvankadun puoleinen porraskäytävä
Description Max. 21 henkilöä / 1600 kg
Maintenance company KONE Hissit

Ventilation device

Ventilation device
Description Koneellinen ilmanvaihto
Emergency stop switch location Raastuvankadun puoleisen sisäänkäynnin yhteydessä, porraskäytävän ja autohallin välisessä tilassa

Action guidelines

Calling for help

In all emergencies, whether you need urgent assistance from the police, rescue services, ambulance or social services, CALL 112

Call the emergency number yourself if you can

It is important that the emergency call is made by the person concerned. They have the information the dispatcher needs to determine what kind of help to send. A call through an intermediary can delay the arrival of help.

Tell what has happened

The emergency dispatcher will ask the caller for information about what has happened so that he or she can send the right help to the situation if necessary.

Give the exact address and municipality

The emergency centre may have several addresses in different municipalities in the area. It is therefore important to give not only the address but also the municipality where the incident took place.

  • The address of the destination is Raastuvankatu 13, Vaasa

Answer the questions asked to you

The questions asked by the dispatcher have a purpose. They will not delay the call for help. In the event of an emergency, the dispatcher will alert the authorities and partners coming to help during the call and provide them with further information about the incident.

Follow the instructions given

The on-call officer is trained to give instructions for different situations. It is important to follow the instructions given. Correctly executed first actions often have an impact on the outcome of the situation.

End the call only after you have been authorised to do so

Ending a call too early can slow down the arrival of helpers. Once you have received permission to end the call, hang up. Keep the line free. The dispatcher or on-site helper may need more information about what has happened.

Sickness or accident

Find out and check

  • What has happened?
  • Check the person's condition (waking up, breathing).

Give first aid if necessary

  • Unconscious but breathing patient is turned on his/her side.
  • If the person is not breathing, start first aid under the conditions of your competence.

Make an emergency call

  • Call 112.
  • Tell us where you are calling from. Raastuvankatu 13, Vaasa
  • Tell what has happened.
  • Follow the instructions.
  • Report any changes in the patient's condition to the emergency services.

**Adult basic resuscitation

Recognition of cardiac arrest

  • CPR should be started on any unresponsive patient
    • who is not breathing
    • whose breathing is not normal
  • loud/crackling and irregular breathing in an unresponsive person indicates cardiac arrest

Emergency call

  • An emergency call should be made immediately to the public emergency number 112
    • if the person is unresponsive
    • if the person is not breathing normally
  • If you are resuscitating the person alone
    • put the phone on speakerphone
  • you can resuscitate and listen to the instructions from the emergency centre


  • CPR should be started as soon as possible
    • the point of application of pressure is the lower part of the sternum
    • place the base of the palm of one hand on the pressure point and the other hand on top of it
    • it is recommended to change the pressure reliever every 2 minutes (if possible)
  • The stimulation should be started with 30 compressions

Mouth-to-mouth ventilation

  • Alternate between 30 compressions and 2 blows of air
  • Blow two calm puffs of about one second each
    • the chest should rise and fall with the blows
  • If mouth-to-mouth fails, continue uninterrupted compressions


Save and warn

  • Save those in immediate danger and warn others.
  • Direct people to the assembly point.

Extinguish and contain

  • Attempt initial extinguishing, avoid smoke. Do not endanger yourself.
  • Limit the spread of fire and smoke by closing doors and windows leading to the fire area.


  • Once you have reached a safe place, call 112
  • Tell them where you are calling from and where the fire is (address and floor) and if there are people in danger.
    • Address: Raastuvankatu 13, Vaasa
  • Do not disconnect the call until you get permission.


  • Guide emergency personnel to the scene. Automaattisen palohälytyksen sattuessa ohjaus paloilmoitinkeskukselle (sijaitsee Raastuvankadun puoleisen sisäänkäynnin yhteydessä, porraskäytävän ja autohallin välisessä tilassa). Muussa tapauksessa ohjaus lähimmälle sisäänkäynnille.

In case of fire, the use of lifts is strictly forbidden!

  • In case of evacuation, the assembly point is: Hoviokeudenpuistikko

Activities at the assembly point

Assembly point: Hoviokeudenpuistikko

Depending on the situation, it is necessary to consider whether it is safe to stay at the designated assembly point or whether people should be directed elsewhere, for example to a nearby property.

Things to remember at the assembly point:

  • take care of any injured people, inform the emergency services
    • take care of people with reduced mobility or other disabilities
    • inform the emergency services if you know someone is trapped inside

Assembly point

If the assembly point is not safe, move to a safer location (further away from the building or temporarily to a nearby building). If necessary, the authorities will designate where to move.

Power cuts

Good to know during a power cut

  • electrical appliances that were switched on should be switched off to avoid a fire hazard when the power comes back on
  • the water supply may be interrupted during a power cut, as the water supply pumps are powered by electricity

The aim is to provide information in advance about anticipated power cut situations. It is not always possible to provide information in advance. You can find out about anticipated power cuts by following the information provided by the authorities, for example via YLE.

If a building is evacuated due to a power cut:

  • calmly direct everyone on the premises out of the building, and instruct them to go home
  • when leaving the building, ensure that the external doors are closed to prevent unauthorised persons from entering.

After a power cut

  • when the premises are taken into use, ensure that all equipment is working correctly
    • e.g. lighting, computers/workstations, ventilation
  • if there are problems with the functioning of electrical equipment, contact the maintenance service immediately

Water damage

Guidelines for action

  • Switch off the electricity in and around the leakage point.
  • Stop the leak, e.g. by closing the water inlet shut-off valve or the furniture shut-off valve, if possible.
    • Water main shut-off: Sprinklerikeskus: Raastuvankadun puoleisen porraskäytävän kellarikerros
  • In the event of water damage, notify the service centre immediately Byggtjänst Sarin Ab Oy* 0503502699.
  • If necessary, contact the emergency number 112.

In the event of a water hazard threatening from outside the building, contact the emergency services.

  • Notify the property management and, if necessary, 112 emergency services.

When violence is threatened

In an unarmed threat situation, do the following.

  • Act calmly and try to reassure the person with your own behaviour.
  • Make sure you do not turn your back or corner yourself so that you always have an escape route from the threatening person.
  • If possible, ask for help.
  • Run away and help others to escape from the scene

Take care of your own safety. Try to direct the threatening person to a place where they cannot be harmful to others. After the incident, report the incident to the police if necessary.

If the threatening person has a weapon, do the following.

  • Do not resist.
  • Do only what the threatening person tells you to do.
  • If possible, try to warn others.
  • After the incident, call 112. Listen to the instructions and act on them.

Any threat or observation of a possible threatening situation must be taken seriously and reported to the police immediately.

General danger sign

A general danger signal is a one minute rising and falling tone or a warning sounded by an authority. The duration of the rising and falling periods is 7 seconds. A general danger signal means an imminent danger to the public.

The danger over- signal is a steady sound signal of one minute duration. It is an indication that the threat or danger is over.

Here's what to do when you hear the general danger signal

  • Go inside. Close the doors, windows and air conditioning.
  • Turn on the radio and wait for instructions.
  • Avoid using the telephone to avoid blocking the lines.
  • Do not leave the area unless instructed to do so by the authorities.

Gas risk

A general gas hazard warning is issued

Take the following action

  • If you are indoors and smell gas:
    • stay indoors, go to upper floors, listen to the radio for more information
  • Press a wet garment over your mouth and breathe through it
  • If you are outside when you smell gas and cannot get inside:
    • hurry under the gas cloud into a crosswind
    • Get as high as you can, for example on a hill

More information on how to protect yourself from gas

  • Stop air conditioning and close doors and windows tightly.
  • You can also close and tape interior doors and stay downwind.
  • If you smell gas, you can breathe through a damp, porous cloth.
  • Authorities will announce on the radio or loudspeakers when the toxic cloud has dissipated. Then ventilate the interior carefully.

Radiation hazard

A general danger signal is issued for radiation hazards.
Go inside.

  • Close doors, windows, vents and ventilation.
  • The central part of the house offers the best protection. Take iodine tablets only on the advice of an authority. Follow the recommendations given.

Avoid going outdoors

Further information

For further advice, contact the emergency services in your town, the media and Yle Text-TV on page 867. You can also find information on the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority's website at and on the rescue services' website at

Fire alarm

The building has an automatic fire alarm system that alerts the rescue services. When the fire alarm sounds, everyone must leave the building immediately.

  • Take outdoor clothing with you if it is nearby.
  • Close doors and windows.
  • Use the nearest possible escape route.
  • Guide customers and guests.
  • Call 112 from a safe place and give more information about the situation. At the same time, make sure that the emergency services have been informed of the fire.
  • Move to the assembly area, do not stay in front of the entrances.
  • Do not leave the place of assembly without permission.

Assembly point: Hoviokeudenpuistikko

The danger is not over until the rescue services give permission to return to the building.

Civil defence

The purpose of the civil defence shelter is to protect people from collapses, explosion pressure waves and fragments, gases, radiation and fire. This property has a civil defence shelter. It is recommended that a civil defence shelter have an elected manager and deputy. It is good for the property's shelter's manager to learn how to use the equipment and how to prepare the shelter for use.

This property has a civil defence shelter:

Location Protection grade Location of equipment
Hartamaninkujan puoleisen porraskäytävän kellarikerros S1 Väestönsuoja

The civil defence shelter is in class S1. The civil defence shelter in protection class S1 is a newer shelter, built after 1971. It is possible to stay in this shelter model for long time periods. The shelter has a manually operated or mechanical air intake machinery, equipped with a pre-filter and an activated carbon particle filter.

The authorities provide instructions by radio if it is necessary to move to civil defence shelters and information on which of the public shelters people are to move to. Moving into the civil defence shelters therefore always happens as a result of direction by the authorities. Accidents occurring in normal times do not generally ever require taking cover in civil defence shelters, with taking cover indoors being sufficient. There are 110,000 spaces altogether in the civil defence shelters of Finland.

Väestönsuojan ilmanvaihtolaitteisto
Väestönsuojan ilmanvaihtolaitteisto
Väestönsuojan varusteet
Väestönsuojan varusteet
Thank you for reading the document.