- Introduction
- Basic property information
- Vastuunjako
- Important phone numbers
- Vaaratilanteet ja niiden vaikutukset
- Safety procedures
- Other arrangements
- Action guidelines
- Alerting help
- Sudden illness or accident
- Fire
- Tulipalo - toimintaohjeet, kun turvallinen poistuminen on estynyt
- Action in the gathering area
- Assisting people with reduced mobility in emergency situations
- Water damage
- Under threat of violence
- Public warning signal
- Gas hazard
- Natural gas
- Radiation hazard
- Blackouts
- Civil defence
- Säilyttäminen
- Attachments
- Business space owner's responsibilities
- How to use a small fire extinguisher
- Home storage supplies
The drafting, upkeep and communication of the rescue plan are based on the requirement of the Rescue Act (379/2011). In this rescue plan, there is an account:
- for the conclusions of the assessment of hazards and risks;
- for the safety arrangements of the building and the premises used in the operations;
- regarding the instructions to be given to people for the prevention of accidents and acting in accident and danger situations;
- other possible actions for independent preparation at the location. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 15))
The rescue plan must be kept up to date and it must be communicated in the necessary way to the persons in the relevant building or other site. (Government Decree on Rescue Action 407/2011, Section 2.)
There are also other requirements for safety in the Rescue Act; the most important of these are:
The owner and holder of the building and the operator must, for their part take care that the building, structure and its surroundings are kept in such condition that:
- the risk of the starting, intentional starting and spreading of a fire is slight;
- the people in the building can vacate the building in the event of fire or other sudden danger situation or they can be rescued in another way;
- rescue operations are possible in the event of fire or another accident;
- the safety of rescue personnel has been taken into account. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 9))
The following equipment and devices must be kept in working order and serviced and inspected appropriately:
- extinguishing, rescue and prevention equipment;
- devices that facilitate extinguishing and rescue work;
- fire detection, alarm and other devices signalling the risk of an accident;
- the lighting and signs of the exit routes;
- the equipment and devices of the civil defence shelters (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 12))
The owner and holder of the building and the operator must, for their part:
- the starting of fires is to be prevented, as well as the arising of other hazardous situations;
- the protection of persons, property and the surroundings in danger situations is to be prepared for;
- the extinguishing of fires, and other such rescue measures that they are able to do independently, are to be prepared for;
- start action for securing safe exit from fires and other danger situations, as well as action for making rescue operations easier. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 14))
Basic property information
Rakennuksessa on 6 asuinkerrosta, liiketilakerros, kellari ja ullakko. Talossa on kolme porrashuonetta. Rakennuksessa on yhteensä 108 asuinhuoneistoa ja 11 liiketilaa.
Kellariin on sijoitettu varastot, pesula ja talon tekniset tilat. Liiketilat sijaitsevat 1. kerroksessa. Asunnot on sijoitettu kerroksiin 2-6. Ullakolla on säilytyskomeroita, saunatilat ja IV-konehuone.
Basic information
Property name | Helsingin Mechelininkatu 12-14 As Oy |
Building address |
Mechelininkatu 12-14 00100 HELSINKI |
Number of apartments | 108 |
Number of operators | 11 |
Building type | Apartment building |
Number of floors | 7 |
Year of construction of the property | 1932 |
Property owner |
Sato-Asunnot Oy |
Service manager |
Olli Eräniemi SATO |
Customer service |
Asiakaspalvelu SATO phone 020 334443 |
Talomestari |
Miki Mannermaa SATO |
Other information
The site falls within the area of the following rescue service: Helsinki .
Heating type | District heating |
Main water shutoff | In the basement, access from behind the building via the basement door on the left |
Heat distribution room | In the basement, access from behind the building via the basement door on the left |
Electricity switchboard | In basement B, access from staircase B |
Gas shut-off | In the basement, access from behind the building via the basement door on the right |
Ventilation device |
Air ventilation emergency stop |
Porrashuoneiden sisäänkäyntiauloissa |
Maintenance | Tapiolan Lämpö Oy phone 0207505360 service 0207505360 |
Gathering area | Parking spaces |
Back-up gathering area | The neighbouring property |
Key storage lock box | Porttikongilla kadun puolella |
Osapuoli | Vastuualue | |
Isännöinti | Vastaa koko kiinteistön isännöinnistä, huoltosopimusten ja vastaavien asioiden hallinnoinnin hoitaminen, ilmoitettuihin turvallisuus- tai muihin puutteisiin puuttuminen tai sen vastuuttaminen muulle taholle. Isännöitsijä on viranomaisvalvonnan ja muiden vastaavien asioiden yhteyshenkilö ja osallistuu mm. palotarkastuskierroksiin | |
Kiinteistöhuolto | Kiinteistön tekniset järjestelmät ja turvalaitteet, piha-alueen hoito, tarvittavat lumenpudotukset yms. asiat. Huoltomies havannoi kohteella liikkuessaan puutteita ja hoitaa niitä omatoimisesti kuntoon tai ilmoittaa asiasta isännöintiin. | |
Asukas | Asukas vastaa omasta asuinhuoneistostaan ja varastokopistaan sekä omasta irtaimistostaan ja toiminnastaan yhtiössä. Asukkaiden tiloissa olevat, kiinteistön järjestelmät tai kiinteät rakenteet, hoitaa huoltoyhtiö | |
Normaali tiedonkulku puutteiden osalta: Asukas--- Huoltoyhtiö --- Isännöinti |
Asukkaat voivat ilmoittaa turvallisuushuomioista tai muista puutteista huoltoon tai isännöintiin puhelimitse tai sähköpostilla, tarvittavat yhteystiedot löytyvät esimerkiksi tämän suunnitelman "Organisaatio"-luvusta.
Important phone numbers
Important numbers of the property
Task | Name | Telephone number | Service phone number |
Maintenance company | Tapiolan Lämpö Oy | 0207505360 | 0207505360 |
Lift maintenance | KONE Hissit Oy (2) | 0800 15063 |
Other important numbers
Operator | Telephone number | Duty hours |
Public emergency numbers | 112 | 24 h |
Poison information centre | 0800 147 111 | 24 h |
Vaaratilanteet ja niiden vaikutukset
Vaaralla tarkoitetaan tekijää tai olosuhdetta, joka voi aiheuttaa haittaa tai saada aikaan haitallisen tapahtuman.
Riski on uhkaan liittyvä vahingon todennäköisyyden ja vakavuuden yhteisvaikutus.
Riski ja todennäköisyys | Syitä riskin toteutumiseen | Seuraus |
Tulipalo (mahdollinen) | Avotuli, kynttilät, tupakointi, sähkölaitteet, sähkökeskukset ja -asennukset, ajoneuvot, tulityöt, ruoan valmistus, tuhopoltto | Henkilö- ja omaisuusvahingot |
Vahingonteot, ilkivalta, varkaus (epätodennäköinen) | Puutteellinen valaistus, auki jäänyt ulko-ovi tai yleisten tilojen ovi, avataan ovi tuntemattomalle henkilölle | Omaisuusvahingot |
Tapaturma (mahdollinen) | Talvisin liukkaus, lumen tai jään putoaminen katolta, kaatuminen | Henkilövahingot |
Vesivahinko (mahdollinen) | Puutteet huollossa/valvonnassa, jäätyminen, tukokset, laitteiden vikaantuminen, myrsky | Omaisuusvahingot |
Kaasuvaara (epätodennäköinen) | Lähialueen vaarallisten aineiden kuljetukset, tulipalo lähialueella | Sisälle suojautuminen |
Sähkökatkos (mahdollinen) | Salama, myrsky, laiteviat | Laitteiden rikkoutuminen |
Liikenneonnettomuus (mahdollinen) | Lähialueen liikenne, liikenne piha-alueella | Henkilövahingot |
Säteilyvaara (epätodennäköinen) | Säteilyonnettomuus | Suojautuminen sisätiloihin |
Safety procedures
Extinguishing equipment
Location | Extinguishing equipment | Description |
In attics A, B and C and in the basement corridors | Fire extinguisher | Kuuden kilon käsisammuttimia |
- at least yearly when the extinguisher is subjected to factors affecting its operational ability, such as moisture, vibration or fluctuations in temperature (outdoor areas)
- at least once every two years (indoor areas)
Safety equipment
Smoke extraction
The purpose of smoke ventilation is to remove fire gases, smoke and heat from the premises. The smoke ventilation equipment must be maintained and tested regularly according to the user maintenance instructions. The smoke ventilation equipment may only be used by the rescue services.
Description | Porrashuoneissa on etäavattavat savunpoistoikkunat. Muista tiloista savunpoisto käsin avattavien ovien, ikkunoiden ja luukkujen kautta |
Location of centre | Porrashuoneessa savunpoiston etälaukaisun yläpuolella |
Smoke removal activation | Porrashuoneiden sisäänkäyntiaulassa |
Exit guide, security or signal light
Emergency exit signs show how to to exit the building. Any faulty or incomplete signs must be reported to property maintenance services.
Description | Pimeässä hohtavia poistumisopasteita ja kerrosopasteita |
Ventilation emergency stop
If the building is subjected to an external danger, such as fire gases from an adjacent building, the ventilation must be shut off. In such a case, the rescue authorities usually issue an emergency warning, providing additional instructions, such as to turn off ventilation systems.
Air ventilation can be stopped by anyone.
Ventilation emergency stop: Porrashuoneiden sisäänkäyntiauloissa
Fire safety
Smoke detector
The purpose of fire alarms is to alert of any imminent fire. This will enable measures to extinguish the fire, warn others and take rescue measures.
Description | Verkkovirtaan kytketyt palovaroittimet. Yleisissä tiloissa olevat palovaroittimet on kytketty keskukseen |
Location of centre | Lämmönjakohuone |
System model | Mains |
Type of alarm | Localised alarm |
Emergency exit routes
The principle of exit safety is that all spaces of the building must have at least two exit routes at all times, which do not require keys or other tools to open the doors. Exiting must also be possible to do in the dark, which is why the exit routes must be clear at all times. Because the property has 7 floors, the window shall serve as an emergency exit. In this event, the rescue department shall assist in evacuating the building in case of emergency. Objects are not to be stored in front of the exits. (Environment Ministry's regulation of fire safety of buildings.)
Exit ways and doors leading to them must be easily accessible and openable in emergency situations from the inside.
A door can be locked, for example, to prevent trespassing from the outside, but must it must be possible to open it from the inside without a key during the normal use of the building.
Other arrangements
Location | In staircases A, B and C |
Description | Gated lift, capacity 240kg/3 persons |
Maintenance company | KONE Hissit Oy (2) |
Location | On the right side of staircase C in the gateway |
Description | A steel gate with a personnel door |
Ventilation device
Location | A/B-ullakolla |
Description | Rakennuksessa on lämmöntalteenotolla varustettu koneellinen keskitetty tulo-/ poistoilmanvaihtojärjestelmä. Osassa tiloissa (lämmönjakohuone, saunaosasto) myös tilakohtaisia ilmanvaihtokoneita. |
Emergency stop switch location | Porrashuoneiden sisäänkäyntiauloissa |
Action guidelines
The following pages contain a guide on accident prevention and on how to act in accident and danger situations. Read the action guide carefully!
The correct actions, solutions, and choices prevent and limit accidents. This way accidents can be minimised or they can be prevented altogether.
Safety and security are our shared concern!
Alerting help
In all urgent emergency situations, whether it be a police, fire department, paramedic, or a social worker case involving an urgent need for help CALL THE EMERGENCY NUMBER: 112
- Call the emergency number yourself if you can
- It is important to make the emergency call yourself, if the matter concerns you. The victim has more knowledge on the situation, based on which the dispatcher can send help accordingly. Using middle-men to make the call can delay getting the right kind of help on site.
- Tell what happened
- The emergency centre dispatcher will ask the caller about what happened so that they can send the appropriate assistance.
- Give the exact address and municipality
- The emergency centre might have several same addresses in different municipalities/cities in its service area. Therefore it is also important to know the name of the town/city/municipality where the accident has taken place.
- Answer the questions that are asked of you
- The questions asked by the dispatcher are important. They do not delay alarming for help. In urgent cases the dispatcher already alerts the authorities and other partners during the call, and gives them more information on what has happened.
- Act according to the information given to you
- The dispatcher is trained to give instructions in various types of situations. It is important to follow the given instructions. Correct initial actions often play an important role in the end result.
- End the call only after you're given permission to do so.
- Ending the call too soon may delay the help from arriving. After you are given the permission to end the call, end it. Keep the phone line open. The dispatcher or the help on its way may need additional information on what has happened.
Sudden illness or accident
- Find out what happened
- Has the person fallen or fainted?
- Are there possibly eye witnesses, that can tell you better about what has happened?
- Check the person's condition
- Can you wake the person up by talking or shaking?
- Check breathing
- If the person doesn't wake up, check breathing: place the back of your hand in front of the patient's mouth and feel if there is air flow.
- Make an emergency call.
- Call the number 112.
- Tell where you are calling from.
- Tell what happened
- Act according to directions.
- Give first aid if needed.
- If the person is not breathing, start with first aid.
- Turn an unconscious but breathing patient into the recovery position on their side.
- Observe the patient.
- If there are changes in the patient's condition before the rescue department arrives, notify them by calling the emergency number 112, so that the emergency centre can re-evaluate your situation.
- Guide the professional help quickly to the patient
- Tell the professional help what has happened and what has been done.
- Save
- Make an assessment of the situation. Rescue those in immediate danger.
- Be careful not to breathe smoke! Smoke is highly toxic and you can lose consciousness quickly if you breathe it.
- Warn
- Warn others in the building about the fire and the threatening danger.
- Direct people to the gathering area.
- Alert
- Call the emergency number 112 from a safe location.
- Tell who you are, where the fire is (address and floor), what is on fire, and if there are people in danger.
- Do not hang up the phone until you are given permission to do so.
- Extinguish
- Perform initial extinguishing measures, where possible.
- A grease fire is extinguished by suffocating it with a fire blanket.
- When an electrical appliance is on fire, disconnect power and begin extinguishing the fire.
- Limit
- Remove fire sensitive items and flammable liquids.
- Contain the spread of fire and smoke by closing windows and the door as you exit.
- Guide
- Direct the rescue personnel to the location or arrange guidance. For example: one person stays to guide on the side of the parking lot and another next to the building.
- Using the lift in the event of a fire is strictly forbidden!
In evacuation situations the gathering area is: Parking spaces
Back-up gathering area: The neighbouring property
Tulipalo - toimintaohjeet, kun turvallinen poistuminen on estynyt
Joskus toisaalla riehuva tulipalo estää turvallisen poistumisen kiinteistöstä. Näissä tapauksissa on viisainta pysytellä savuttomassa tilassa ovet ja muut aukot suljettuina.
Jää asuntoon ja ole rauhallinen.
- Älä poistu porraskäytävään.
- Kerrostaloissa jokainen asunto on tehty omaksi palo-osastokseen, josta palon leviäminen toiseen asuntoon on estetty rakenteellisin toimenpitein.
- Hyppääminen korkealta johtaa kohtalokkaisiin seurauksiin, asuntoon jääminen ei.
- Mene parvekkeelle tai ikkunan luo ja herätä huomiota
- Soita numeroon 112 ja kerro tarkka osoitteesi
Varaudu tulipalon leviämiseen.
- Laske varmuuden vuoksi vettä esimerkiksi lavuaariin.
- Jos asuntoon alkaa tulla savua ovien raoista, postiluukusta tai ilmanvaihtoventtiileistä, tuuleta raikkaalla ilmalla ja tiivistä vuotokohdat kosteilla tekstiileillä.
- Jos asunnon ovi alkaa kuumeta, jäähdytä sitä vedellä.
- Jos liekit lyövät asunnon ikkunoihin, siirrä helposti syttyvät tavarat pois ikkunoiden läheisyydestä.
Noudata viranomaisten antamia ohjeita.
Action in the gathering area
When people have left the building and proceeded to the gathering area, one person must be appointed to take responsibility for the activities at the gathering area. Based on the situation at hand, it is necessary to consider whether it is safe to remain in the designated gathering area or if people should be directed elsewhere, for example into a pre-arranged interior area or to a property in the vicinity (the back-up gathering area).
Do not leave the gathering area without the permission of the rescue authorities.
Factors to bear in mind in the gathering area:
- taking care of any possible injured parties
- looking after people with reduced mobility or otherwise poor physical condition
- if one is aware of someone having remained inside, this is to be reported
Back-up gathering area
In severe winter conditions or other situations, an additional gathering area may be needed. Authorities will also provide instructions about shelter locations for long-term shelter.
Assisting people with reduced mobility in emergency situations
In an emergency situation, the movement of people with reduced mobility out of the building may be difficult and slow. If you know there is a neighbour with reduced mobility, for example handicapped, blind, or elderly, try to secure their safe exit in emergency situations. If you know your neighbour is at home, but you are not able to assist in moving them out, notify the rescue authorities about the situation as fast as possible.
Work in cooperation with the other residents.
- Things to consider when helping people with reduced mobility
- Help a person with reduced mobility to exit, within the limits of your own capabilities.
- Listen to the person you're helping.
- Take care of the person you helped also after getting out.
Water damage
- Action guide
- Disconnect power from where the leak is and from its proximity.
- Stop the water from flowing, from i.e. the water mains, if possible.
Notify of the situation immediately:
- to the maintenance personnel: Tapiolan Lämpö Oy, phone 0207505360, service 0207505360
- Contact the emergency number if needed 112.
- Main water shutoff: In the basement, access from behind the building via the basement door on the left
- Heat distribution room: In the basement, access from behind the building via the basement door on the left
- Electricity switchboard: In basement B, access from staircase B
- Should there be threat of water outside the building
- Find out what is causing the water threat.
- If there is a leak, try to block it.
- Try to prevent the water from getting into the building.
- by baggings
- by using plastic covers
- by directing the water away from the building
- Call for additional help if needed.
Under threat of violence
In an unarmed threatening situation, act in the following way.
- Act calmly and try to calm the person with your behaviour.
- Make sure you do not turn your back or let yourself be cornered, so that you will always have an escape route when a threatening person comes close.
- Call for help depending on the circumstances.
- Escape and help others escape.
Take care of your own safety. Seek to direct the threatening person to a place where they cannot harm others. After the event, contact the police about the incident if required.
If the threatening person is armed, act in the following way.
- Do not resist.
- Do whatever the person threatening you tells you to do.
- As the situation permits, try to warn others.
- By closing doors, you can limit a person's movement within the property.
- After the situation, call 112 to get professional help on site as fast as possible. Listen to directions and act accordingly.
Every threat and sighting of a possibly threatening situation must be taken seriously and the police must be informed immediately. Through your own behaviour, you can affect the progress of the situation, and thus you should take all threatening situations seriously and try to calm down already begun situations.
Public warning signal
The public warning signal is a one-minute-long ascending and descending tone or a warning announcement by the authorities. The length of the ascending tone is 7 seconds.
The public warning signal means an immediate danger threatening the public. The warning is given in population centres with an outdoor alarm system and with an alarm attached to a vehicle in rural areas.
The All Clear signal is a one-minute-long monotonous signal. It is an announcement of the threat or danger having passed.
- Act in the following way after you've heard the public warning signal
- Proceed indoors.
- Stay indoors.
- Close doors, windows, ventilation holes, and air conditioning devices.
- Turn on the radio and wait for instructions.
- Avoid using the phone to prevent telephone lines from getting jammed.
- Do not leave the areas unless urged to do so by the authorities, so as not to endanger yourself on the way.
Gas hazard
- Public warning signal in danger situations concerning gas
Additional information on the type of danger can be got from radio and television. The following are usually connected with a gas hazard.
- If you are indoors and can smell gas:
- stay indoors
- the top floors make the best shelter
- place a wet cloth over your mouth and breathe through it
- stay on the upper floors until the danger is over
- do not go into the basement.
- If you are outside when you smell gas but are not able to get indoors:
- hurry into side wind from underneath the gas cloud
- try to get as high as possible, for example to the top of a hill
- press a wet cloth, tuft of grass, turf, or moss in front of your mouth and breathe through it.
- If you are indoors and can smell gas:
- Additional information on taking cover from gas
- Switch off air conditioning devices and close doors and windows tightly. The more airtight you can make the building, the slower the gas can get inside.
- You can also close or tape inside doors and stay in upwind areas. If you smell gas you can breathe through a moist and spongy cloth.
- The authorities will announce on radio or with vehicles with loudspeakers when the gas cloud has dispersed. Ventilate indoors well after the event.
Natural gas
Using natural gas is safe. Hazardous situations are caused when natural gas leaks into a closed space from the pipes or the gas device. Preventing gas leaks is extremely important for maintaining operational safety.
Another hazardous factor in using gas is the carbon monoxide resulting from imperfect burning. This must be taken into consideration, especially in spaces where there is no ventilation of the combustion gases. Correct installation as well as gas devices meant and approved for natural gas, along with their proper use and maintenance, guarantee the safe use of natural gas.
An odour is artificially added to natural gas to increase its user safety. For certain purposes (huge expenditure, odours in the environment, process requirements) the gas may be odourless. A natural gas leak is easy to detect because of the smell.
If the facility uses odourless natural gas, there must be fixed detection devices to monitor possible gas leaks and they must also be maintained frequently.
The simplest gas detectors only tell if the location has gas or not. If the detector also contains a gauge, it usually tells the relative content from the lower ignition point. In these cases, you must verify that the gauge is calibrated for the gas it is intended to measure. If the gas leak detector also contains an alarm, it is usually set to a level which is 1/5 of the lower ignition point. A larger leak can be noticed from the louder sound or rippling of the air above the leak.
What to do after detecting a natural gas leak
- If you detect a natural gas leak based on either the smell or the detector, report the incident to the person responsible.
- If the natural gas leak is detected from the pipes (sound, soil flying around); report it to the public emergency number and the owner of the pipeline.
- The owner of the pipeline and emergency numbers are found from information boards on the pipeline.
- When reporting the incident, you should also give the number of the sign on the information board, close to which the leak has been detected.
Actions in emergency situations
A gas leak indoors means an immediate danger of explosion, hence the most important task is to prevent the gas from igniting. Ignition and spark sources must be removed, the space ventilated, and people moved to safety from the danger zone. Simultaneously with the aforementioned actions, you must start limiting the gas leak by closing the main valve or similar valves.
Depending on the situation, either the person monitoring the system or the general emergency office should be informed of the situation without delay. To successfully deal with these emergency situations, the facility must have an emergency action guide. How to perform in emergency situations should be practised frequently.
Radiation hazard
Radiation situations are monitored with gauges throughout the country. Even the slightest change is detected immediately and notified of. A public warning signal is given upon the threat of radiation.
- Go inside
- Close doors, windows, ventilation holes, and air conditioning tightly to prevent radioactive substances from getting indoors. The centre and basement of the building are the best places to take shelter.
- Iodine tablets
- Take an iodine tablet only when the authorities tell you to do so either on the radio or on television. Iodine tablets prevent radioactive iodine from building up in the thyroid gland, but offers no other protection. You should not go outside the facilities to look for iodine tablets when the danger situation is present. You can acquire iodine beforehand from the pharmacy. Each property should have 2 iodine tablets per person.
- Protect your food and drinking water
- Put the food products that are out into plastic bags or tight containers. The refrigerator, freezer, and tight packages protect against radioactive dust.
- Moving outside
- If you must go outside, use tight clothing that covers the skin, for example rain gear. Upon coming back inside, take off your clothes in the entry hall and wash up well. Use a respiratory mask, towel, or paper towel to prevent radioactive particles from getting to your lungs.
- Additional instructions
- You will get additional information from your city's rescue authorities, from broadcast media, and from Yle's (the Finnish Broadcasting Company's) Teletext page 867. You can also find information from the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority's website and from the rescue authorities website
How to act during a power cut:
- First check the fuses. If they are intact, find out whether the electricity of your neighbour or neighbouring houses is working.
- If the electricity is out from a larger area, the problem is already known and actions to fix it have started. Most electricity suppliers have a taped recording of the malfunction on its fault service number, which will give information on the blackout situation in your area.
- When the electricity comes back but acts unusually, for example the lights burn brighter or dimmer than usual, the reason might a break in the electricity network's neutral wire. This can result in equipment damage, fire and, in the worst case, the risk of electric shock. In such situations, switch off the electricity from the main switch and call your electricity supplier's fault emergency number.
- When a power cut lasts longer, prepare yourself with warm clothes, especially in the winter, and home storage supplies. Instructions regarding home storage supplies can be found in the appendices.
In the event of a power cut, lifts will stop working. Should you be stuck on a lift due to a power cut or other failure, act as follows:
Contact the lift maintenance emergency line:
- by mobile phone - (KONE Hissit Oy (2), 0800 15063)
When necessary, you can call the general emergency number 112.
Civil defence
This property does not have its own civil defence shelter. The property is part of the general civil defence district. Rescue operations are dependent on regional population protection. Rescue operations are also prepared to operate in exceptional conditions. The core tasks are detecting threats and warning about them, maintaining ability to protect the population and taking care of rescue operations and the required additional resources. The objective is the most efficient operation possible in accident situations under exceptional circumstances.
The area rescue authorities work together with the municipalities in the area on civil defence and protection matters. The rescue authorities also ensure their own organisation's preparedness for civil defence in exceptional situations. In civil defence, the necessary rescue, first aid, ambulance, and maintenance set-ups are created only in exceptional circumstances. In these tasks, there are approximately 85,000 people nationwide.
There are 110,000 spaces altogether in the civil defence shelters of Finland. The authorities will give directions via radio if you are supposed to move to a civil defence shelter, along with the information to which shelters people are supposed to go. Moving into the civil defence shelters therefore always happens as a result of direction by the authorities. Accidents occurring in normal times do not generally ever require taking cover in civil defence shelters, with taking cover indoors being sufficient.
The civil defence shelter nearest to the property is Kaisaniemen metroaseman kallioväestönsuoja and it is located at:
Helsingin yliopiston metroasema00100 Helsinki
Erilaisten tavaroiden säilyttämisestä voi aiheutua tulipalon syttymisen tai leviämisen vaara, turvallisen poistumisen estyminen hätätilanteessa sekä tulipalon sammuttamisen vaikeutuminen. Käsittele siksi palovaarallisia aineita aina ohjeiden mukaan. Palovaarallisten aineiden säilyttäminen huoneistokohtaisissa varastoissa on kokonaan kielletty. Rakennuksen uloskäynnit on aina pidettävä kulkukelpoisina ja esteettöminä.
- Asuinhuoneistot ja niihin kuuluvat parvekkeet, terassit tai vastaavat tilat
- Asunnoissa tulee välttää tarpeettomien tavaroiden varastointia.
- Uloskäytävät, porrashuoneet, sisäiset käytävät ja varastojen kulkureitit
- Ei saa säilyttää mitään tavaraa.
- Rakennusten alla tai läheisyydessä
- Ei saa säilyttää helposti syttyvää materiaalia tai muuta tavaraa rakennusten seinustoilla, mm. roska-astiat, pahvipinot ja kuljetuslavat
Epäselvissä tapauksissa tulee aina ottaa yhteyttä paikallisen pelastuslaitoksen palotarkastajaan
This rescue plan has the following attachments:
Additionally, the Pelsu Rescue Plan service has the following attachments available:
Business space owner's responsibilities
The owner or business practitioner of the space must to the extent of his/her abilities supervise that rules and regulations for fire and accident prevention, and individuals' safety in the work place, are followed. It is recommended to appoint a person in charge of safety and security, who will take care of safety and security matters and work in cooperation with the property's appointed people in charge.
The owner and business practitioner of the space must both ensure that the building, structures and their environs are maintained in such a condition that
- the risk of fire, intentional lighting of a fire, and the threat of spreading is minimal
- people in the building can, in the case of fire, or some other kind of sudden danger situation, exit the building or they can be rescued in other ways
- rescue action is possible in the event of fire or another kind of accident.
Easily flammable material or other items are not permitted to be stored in the attic, the basement, hallways or exit ways, under the building, or in its immediate proximity.
The following equipment and devices must be kept in working order and serviced and inspected appropriately:
- extinguishing equipment
- fire detection, alarm, and other detecting and alarming devices signalling danger
- guides and lighting for exit ways.
The owner and user of the space are for their part responsible for the condition of the equipment and will notify of defects to the persons in charge.
The owner and business practitioner of the space must, for their part
- prevent fires from starting and other danger situations from arising
- prepare for the protection of people, property, and environment in danger situations
- preparing for extinguishing fires as well as for other rescue operations, within their individual capabilities
- start action for securing safe exit from fires and other danger situations, as well as action for making rescue operations easier.
How to use a small fire extinguisher
The resident is responsible for acquiring extinguishing equipment for the apartment.
- Turn the extinguisher upside down and shake the extinguisher to ensure the powder's running.
- Remove the safety pin.
- Approach the fire from the direction of the wind.
- If you are indoors, approach low on the floor, as this will improve the visibility.
- Take a hold of the extinguisher's hose from the end and direct the extinguishing substance at the base of the flames, don't cut through them.
- Start extinguishing from the front and continue towards the back, or from bottom to top.
- Extinguishing can be improved with a back and forth motion.
- The whole area that is burning must be covered in the extinguisher cloud.
- After the flames are extinguished the extinguishing can be stopped.
- Observer the burnt object and make sure that the fire is out.
- If the target catches fire again, repeat the extinguishing.
Extinguishing blankets
- Take a hold of the corners of the blanket and protect your hands by placing them inside the blanket.
- Step on the blanket with your foot; this will prevent the flames from getting to your face.
- If you are outside, approach the fire from the direction of the wind.
- Extend your arms straight.
- Spread the blanket over the fire.
- Hold the blanket tightly over the fire and make sure that the fire is extinguished.
- Protect yourself while lifting the blanket as the fire can re-ignite.
- Make sure once more that the fire is extinguished.
Home storage supplies
Home storage supplies are a part of a housing company's residents' independent protection. Surprising circumstances are easier to overcome when you have a home storage supply at home. Home storage supply means those food and other daily goods that are stocked up on more than normally needed in weekly/monthly use. The home storage supply should last for several days, even a week. The home storage supply consists of everyday groceries and items, which are stocked up on as they are used up. This way the groceries and other items stay fresh and usable.
A situation where you cannot get to the store can surprise you for many reasons. A person living alone can get sick and is not able to go shopping or a member of the family can fall sick. The wider society is vulnerable as well; there can be a strike, traffic connections may break down, or there might be a wider disturbance in the electricity grid. There can be an accident which closes the stores or prevents you from going outside. Additionally, distribution disturbances can prevent goods from getting to the stores as well as getting items from the store.
Each family has their own kind of home reserves consisting of usual groceries. The contents of the home reserves can differ based on the household's food preferences and also include containers for storing water, medicine, iodine tablets, as well as household-specific necessities. The home reserves should last at least a week, preferably two – home reserves are continuously used and restocked continuously.
The home reserves also include essential supplies, of which there must be a supply for the same period as in the case of food. These are, amongst others, personal medication, hygiene products, nappies, a battery-powered radio, an electric flashlight and batteries.