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Pelastussuunnitelmien laadintaa käsittelee pelastuslaki (379/2011) ja valtioneuvoston asetus pelastustoimesta (407/2011). Pelastussuunnitelman laatimisesta vastaa kiinteistön tai kohteen haltija.
Pelastuslaki velvoittaa kiinteistön haltijalta ja omistajalta sekä toiminnanharjoittajilta toimenpiteitä turvallisuuden ylläpitämiseksi. Rakennus ja sen ympäristö tulee pitää sellaisessa kunnossa, että tulipalon syttyminen ja sen leviämisen vaara on vähäinen sekä pelastustoiminta onnettomuustilanteessa mahdollista.
Pelastussuunnitelmassa on oltava selostus:
- vaarojen ja riskien arvioinnin johtopäätelmistä
- rakennuksen ja toiminnassa käytettävien tilojen turvallisuusjärjestelyistä
- henkilöstölle annettavista ohjeista onnettomuuksien ehkäisemiseksi sekä onnettomuus- ja vaaratilanteissa toimimiseksi.
Pelastussuunnitelmasta tulee tiedottaa henkilöstöä.
Basic property information
Basic information
Name of operator | ravintola |
Property name | Botniahalli |
Building address |
Papinsaarentie 2 65610 MUSTASAARI |
Property type | Restaurant |
- | |
Manager of civil defence shelter VSS1 | Työvuorossa oleva hallinhoitaja |
Person responsible for civil defence shelter VSS1 |
Mika Kokko phone 0400583828 mika.kokko@vaasanseudunareenat.fi |
Other information
The site falls within the area of the following rescue service: Ostrobothnia.
Fire alarm manager |
Mika Kokko Vaasanseudun Areenat phone 0400583828 |
Location of the fire alarm | Pääsisäänkäynnin yhteydessä |
Maintenance | Vaasanseudun Areenat service 0201201863 |
Electricity supplier |
Vaasan Sähkö Oy
tel. 063245111 service line 063245111 http://www.vaasansahko.fi/ |
Gathering area | Paikoitusalueella |
Back-up gathering area | Sovitaan tarvittaessa |
Number of civil defence shelters | 1 |
Location of civil defence shelter VSS1 | kellarikerros |
Heating type | Electricity |
Main water shutoff | Kellarissa, lämmönjakohuone |
Heat distribution room | Pihalla olevassa huoltorakennuksessa |
Electricity switchboard | Kellarissa, sähkökeskushuone |
Air ventilation emergency stop |
Pääsisäänkäynnin yhteydessä |
Number of people
During the day | In the evening | At night | |
On weekdays | 10–300 | 0 | 0 |
Maksimissaan asiakasmäärä 300 | |||
On weekends | 10–300 | 0 | 0 |
Maksimissaan asiakasmäärä 300 |
Turvallisuushenkilöstön tehtävät
Turvallisuusvastaavan tehtävät
- vastaa pelastussuunnitelman päivittämisestä
- huolehtii henkilökunnan turvallisuuskoulutuksesta (järjestää mahdollisuuden osallistua)
- tekee tarvittavat ilmoitukset viranomaisille ja osallistuu viranomaistarkastuksiin
- tiedottaa turvallisuusasioista henkilökunnalle
- huolehtii siitä, että havaitut puutteet ja viat tulevat korjatuiksi
Suojelualueen vastuuhenkilön tehtävät (esimies)
- varmistaa, että työntekijät tuntevat toimintaohjeet hätä- tai uhkatilanteissa
- johtaa ravintolan pelastustoimintaa (alkusammutusta ja tilojen tyhjentämistä) kunnes pelastusviranomainen saapuu paikalle
- tarkistaa hätätilanteessa ovien ja ikkunoiden sulkemisen sekä koneiden ja laitteiden pysäyttämisen
- ilmoittaa ravintolan tilanteen pelastusviranomaiselle (esim. kaikki ulkona, mahdollisesti henkilöitä sisällä)
Muu henkilöstö (työntekijät)
- noudattaa turvallisuusohjeita
- tuntee pelastussuunnitelman toimintaohjeet
- toimii annettujen ohjeiden mukaisesti
Risks in the restaurant's operation
- Fire
- An aggressive customer
- Water damage
- Injuries caused by tools
- Personal injuries
- Material damage
- The operation of the restaurant is interrupted
- Financial losses, a possible reduction in insurance compensation if fire safety directives have been neglected
Measures and safety arrangements
- A non-flammable and extinguishing cigarette-butt disposal container with a cover in use
- Taking care in the use of liquid gas and checking the condition of the equipment at specified times
- The grease flues are cleaned regularly, at least once a year
- The grease filters are cleaned when required
- Electrical devices are kept in order
- The furnishing are of the right fire safety class, e.g. fire-retardant textiles are used
- Refuse and flammable material is kept in locked spaces
- The safe use of open fires, candles
- Encounter situations with aggressive customers are to be practised in the operation of the restaurant and the action instructions are to be given to the workers
- The staff must report any safety deficiencies that they notice immediately to their supervisor
- Defective tools are taken out of use at once
- Defective machines are repaired by an expert service company
- There must be first-aid supplies near the workstation
Special action instructions for a restaurant in the event of a fire
- Evacuate the customers from the restaurant
- Close the doors to prevent the smoke and fire from spreading
- Alert the fire department by calling 112
- Extinguish it if the fire is small and there is no smoke yet
- Extinguishing a fat fire is only to be done through smothering, e.g. with a cover or fire blanket. Also remember to turn off the air-conditioning (air-conditioning emergency cut-off)
- Warn those who are not in immediate danger
- Guide or arrange guidance and unobstructed access for the rescue unit to the site
- Make sure that everyone has got to the assembly point
Safety procedures
Safety equipment
Ventilation emergency stop
If the building is subjected to an external danger, such as fire gases from an adjacent building, the ventilation must be shut off. In such a case, the rescue authorities usually issue an emergency warning, providing additional instructions, such as to turn off ventilation systems.
Air ventilation can be stopped by anyone.
Ventilation emergency stop: Pääsisäänkäynnin yhteydessä
First aid
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002) 46 §, the employer is obligated to ensure the availability of first aid to employees and other personnel at the work place, to provide directions for getting first aid, as well as reserve enough first aid supplies at the work place or in its close proximity.
- The ambulance will be directed to: Ambulanssi ohjataan lähimmälle sisäänkäynnille.
Fire safety
Fire compartmentalisation
The purpose of fire compartmentalisation is to limit the spread of smoke and fire and to secure safe exiting. For this reason, it is very important that the fire doors are kept closed. Fire doors must not be wedged open.
Description of fire compartmentalisation:
ravintolarakennus omana palo-osastona
Location | Firedoor type | Floor |
Botniahalli - ravintola | E15 |
Directions for the rescue department
In an emergency, the rescue department shall be guided as follows:
Pelastuslaitos ohjataan paloilmoittimelle. Muussa kuin palohälytys-tilanteessa ohjaus lähimmälle sisäänkäynnille
Emergency exit routes
The principle of exit safety is that all spaces of the building must haveat least two exit routes at all times which do not require keys or othertools to open the doors. Exiting must also be possible to do in the dark, which is why the exit routes must be clear at all times. Objects are not to be stored in front of the exits. (Environment Ministry's regulation of fire safety of buildings.)
You must be able to make a quick exit from all spaces, thus especially meeting and business premises must have the minimum number and size of exit ways in the construction permit, which cannot be changed without an amendment to the construction permit. Exit ways and doors leading to them must be easily accessible and openable in emergency situations from the inside.
A door can be locked, for example, to prevent trespassing from the outside, but must it must be possible to open it from the inside without a key during the normal use of the building. Access control activities must not prevent safe exit from the building.
Status | Evacuation procedures |
ravintola |
Evacuation procedures
- In an emergency situation, exiting will be led and directed by
- vuorossa oleva henkilökunta
Prevention of afterdamage
The objective of the prevention of afterdamage is to prevent damage arising, limit and minimise the effects of any damage that has arisen, and to restore the situation to its previous state as quickly as possible.
Action guidelines
The following pages contain a guide on accident prevention and on how to act in accident and danger situations. Read the action guide carefully!
The correct actions, solutions, and choices prevent and limit accidents. This way accidents can be minimised or they can be prevented altogether.
Safety and security are our shared concern!
Alerting help
In all urgent emergency situations, whether it be a police, fire department, paramedic, or a social worker case involving an urgent need for help CALL THE EMERGENCY NUMBER: 112
- Call the emergency number yourself if you can
- It is important to make the emergency call yourself, if the matter concerns you. The victim has more knowledge on the situation, based on which the dispatcher can send help accordingly. Using middle-men to make the call can delay getting the right kind of help on site.
- Tell what happened
- The emergency centre dispatcher will ask the caller about what happened so that they can send the appropriate assistance.
- Give the exact address and municipality
- The emergency centre might have several same addresses in different municipalities/cities in its service area. Therefore it is also important to know the name of the town/city/municipality where the accident has taken place.
- Answer the questions that are asked of you
- The questions asked by the dispatcher are important. They do not delay alarming for help. In urgent cases the dispatcher already alerts the authorities and other partners during the call, and gives them more information on what has happened.
- Act according to the information given to you
- The dispatcher is trained to give instructions in various types of situations. It is important to follow the given instructions. Correct initial actions often play an important role in the end result.
- End the call only after you're given permission to do so.
- Ending the call too soon may delay the help from arriving. After you are given the permission to end the call, end it. Keep the phone line open. The dispatcher or the help on its way may need additional information on what has happened.
In an emergency, the rescue department shall be guided as follows:
Pelastuslaitos ohjataan paloilmoittimelle. Muussa kuin palohälytys-tilanteessa ohjaus lähimmälle sisäänkäynnille
Sudden illness or accident
- Clarify and check
- What has happened?
- Check the person's condition (do they wake up, are they breathing?)
- Give first aid if needed.
- Turn an unconscious but breathing patient into the recovery position on their side.
- If the person is not breathing, start with first aid.
- Make an emergency call.
- Call the number 112.
- Tell where you are calling from. Papinsaarentie 2, MUSTASAARI
- Tell what happened
- Act according to directions.
- Inform the emergency centre of any changes that take place in the condition of the patient.
- Save and warn
- Rescue those in immediate danger and warn others.
- Direct people to the gathering area.
- Extinguish and contain
- Try initial extinguishing and avoid smoke. Do not put yourself in danger.
- Contain the spreading of the fire and smoke by closing the windows and doors that lead into the fire area.
- Alert
- Alert the fire department by calling 112 from a safe location.
- Say where you are calling from, where the fire is (address and floor) and if there are people in danger.
- Do not hang up the phone until you are given permission to do so.
- Guide
- Direct the rescue personnel to the location.
- In an emergency, the rescue department shall be guided as follows: Pelastuslaitos ohjataan paloilmoittimelle. Muussa kuin palohälytys-tilanteessa ohjaus lähimmälle sisäänkäynnille
In evacuation situations the gathering area is: Paikoitusalueella
Back-up gathering area: Sovitaan tarvittaessa
Erityistoimintaohjeita ravintolalle tulipalotilanteessa
- Evakuoi asiakkaat ravintolasta kokoontumispaikalle
- Sulje ovet estääksesi savun ja palon leviämistä
- Hälytä palokunta soittamalla numeroon 112
- Sammuta, jos palo on pieni eikä savua vielä ole
- Rasvapalon sammutus vain tukahduttamalla, esim. kannella tai sammutuspeitteellä. Muista myös pysäyttää ilmanvaihto
- Varoita niitä, jotka eivät ole välittömässä vaarassa
- Opasta tai järjestä opastus ja esteetön pääsy pelastusyksikölle kohteeseen
- Varmista, että kaikki ovat päässeet kokoontumispaikalle
Fire action guide, when safe exits are blocked
Sometimes a fire in another location prevents safe exit from the building. In these cases it is smartest to stay in a smokeless space and keep all doors and other openings closed.
- Stay in the fire compartment that you are in.
- It is safe to stay behind the fire door. Fire doors withstand fire for at least half an hour.
- Jumping from a height has fatal consequences, reamining in a smoke-free area does not.
- Go to a window and attract attention. If you do not manage to do this, let people know your location by calling 112.
- Follow directions from the authorities.
Action in a fire alarm situation
The building has an automatic fire alarm system, which sends an alert to the rescue department. Everyone must vacate the building immediately when they hear the fire alarm.
- Bring outdoor clothes with you if they are nearby.
- Close doors and windows
- Use the nearest escape route to exit the building.
- Direct customers and guests.
- Call the number 112 from a safe location and provide further information about the situation. At the same time, you will make sure that the emergency center has been notified about the fire.
- Move to the gathering area; do not stay in front of the entrances.
- No-one may leave the gathering area without permission.
The danger is only over when the rescue department gives permission to return to the building. The safety personnel of the property passes on the announcement concerning moving back inside to the personnel.
Action in the gathering area
When people have left the building and proceeded to the gathering area, one person must be appointed to take responsibility for the activities at the gathering area. Based on the situation at hand, it is necessary to consider whether it is safe to remain in the designated gathering area or if people should be directed elsewhere, for example into a pre-arranged interior area or to a property in the vicinity (the back-up gathering area).
Do not leave the gathering area without the permission of the rescue authorities.
Factors to bear in mind in the gathering area:
- taking care of any possible injured parties
- looking after people with reduced mobility or otherwise poor physical condition
- if one is aware of someone having remained inside, this is to be reported
Back-up gathering area
If the gathering area is not safe, then people are to move on to a safe back-up gathering area defined separately by the protection managers. Authorities will also provide instructions about shelter locations for long-term shelter.
Water damage
- Action guide
- Disconnect power from where the leak is and from its proximity.
- Stop the water from flowing, from i.e. the water mains, if possible.
Notify of the situation immediately:
- to the maintenance personnel: Vaasanseudun Areenat, service 0201201863
- Contact the emergency number if needed 112.
- Main water shutoff: Kellarissa, lämmönjakohuone
- Heat distribution room: Pihalla olevassa huoltorakennuksessa
- Electricity switchboard: Kellarissa, sähkökeskushuone
- Should there be threat of water outside the building
- Inform property maintenance and, if needed, the emergency centre on 112.
Under threat of violence
In an unarmed threatening situation, act in the following way.
- Act calmly and try to calm the person with your behaviour.
- Make sure you do not turn your back or let yourself be cornered, so that you will always have an escape route when a threatening person comes close.
- Call for help depending on the circumstances.
- Escape and help others escape.
Take care of your own safety. Seek to direct the threatening person to a place where they cannot harm others. After the event, contact the police about the incident if required.
If the threatening person is armed, act in the following way.
- Do not resist.
- Do whatever the person threatening you tells you to do.
- As the situation permits, try to warn others.
- By closing doors, you can limit a person's movement within the property.
- After the situation, call 112 to get professional help on site as fast as possible. Listen to directions and act accordingly.
Every threat and sighting of a possibly threatening situation must be taken seriously and the police must be informed immediately. Through your own behaviour, you can affect the progress of the situation, and thus you should take all threatening situations seriously and try to calm down already begun situations.
Gas hazard
- Public warning signal in danger situations concerning gas
Additional information on the type of danger can be got from radio and television. The following are usually connected with a gas hazard.
- If you are indoors and can smell gas:
- stay indoors
- the top floors make the best shelter
- place a wet cloth over your mouth and breathe through it
- stay on the upper floors until the danger is over.
- If you are outside when you smell gas but are not able to get indoors:
- hurry into side wind from underneath the gas cloud
- try to get as high as possible, for example to the top of a hill
- press a wet cloth, tuft of grass, turf, or moss in front of your mouth and breathe through it.
- If you are indoors and can smell gas:
- Additional information on taking cover from gas
- Switch off air conditioning devices and close doors and windows tightly. The more airtight you can make the building, the slower the gas can get inside.
- You can also close or tape inside doors and stay in upwind areas. If you smell gas you can breathe through a moist and spongy cloth.
- The authorities will announce on radio or with vehicles with loudspeakers when the gas cloud has dispersed. Ventilate indoors well after the event.
Action during a power cut
Electricity is down in the operating premises, but the lights of public areas are still working
- If possible, check the fuses in the operating premises' own electrical switchboard.
- If the problem was not solved, contact property maintenance.
Electricity is down in both the operating premises and the public areas
- Use a flashlight
- Direct others, if so needed.
Alkusammuttimien käyttö
Alkusammutuskalustoa ovat käsisammuttimet, pikapalopostit ja sammutuspeitteet. Opettele sammuttimen käyttö etukäteen!
- Kierrä sammutinta ylösalaisin ja ravista sammutinta, tämä varmistaa jauheen juoksevuuden.
- Vedä varmistinsokka irti.
- Lähesty paloa tuulen suunnasta.
- Jos olet sisällä lähesty matalana lattianrajassa, tämä parantaa näkyvyyttä.
- Ota sammuttimen letkun päästä ote ja suuntaa sammutusaine liekkien juureen.
- Sammutusta voi tehostaa edestakaisin suuntautuvalla liikkeellä.
- Koko palava alue on peitettävä sammutepilveen.
- Liekkien sammuttua sammuttamisen voi lopettaa.
- Tarkkaile palanutta kohdetta ja varmistu, että palo on sammunut.
- Mikäli kohde syttyy uudelleen, toista sammutus.
- Ota kiinni peitteen nurkista ja suojaa kätesi peitteen sisään.
- Astu jalalla peitteen päälle, pidä kasvosi peitteen takana.
- Jos olet ulkona, lähesty paloa tuulen suunnasta.
- Ojenna kädet suoriksi.
- Levitä peite palon päälle.
- Pidä peitettä tiiviisti palon päällä ja varmistu, että palo on sammunut.
- Suojaa itsesi peitteen nostamisen aikana, palo voi syttyä uudelleen.
- Varmista vielä kerran, että palo on sammunut.
Civil defence
The purpose of the civil defence shelter is to protect people from collapses, explosion pressure waves and fragments, gases, radiation and fire. This property has a civil defence shelter. It is recommended that a civil defence shelter have an elected manager and deputy. It is good for the property's shelter's manager to learn how to use the equipment and how to prepare the shelter for use.
This property has a civil defence shelter:
Location | Protection grade | Surface area | Defence shelter places | Location of equipment |
kellarikerros | K | 120 m² | 160 | Suojan tiloissa |
The civil defence shelter is in class K. Protection class K civil defence shelter has been built between 1991–2011. It is possible to stay in this shelter model for long time periods. The shelter has a manually operated or mechanical air intake machinery, equipped with a pre-filter and an activated carbon particle filter.
The authorities provide instructions by radio if it is necessary to move to civil defence shelters and information on which of the public shelters people are to move to. Moving into the civil defence shelters therefore always happens as a result of direction by the authorities. Accidents occurring in normal times do not generally ever require taking cover in civil defence shelters, with taking cover indoors being sufficient. There are 110,000 spaces altogether in the civil defence shelters of Finland.
Storing movables
Storage of different kinds of objects may lead to a hazard of fire starting or spreading, the prevention of safe exit in an emergency situation and increased difficulty in extinguishing the fire.
The building's exit hallways and staircase areas must be kept walkable and clear of any obstacles.
- Exit corridors, staircases, inside hallways, and storage area passages
- It is not permitted to store any items.
- Under or near buildings
- It is not permitted to store flammable material or other goods by the walls of the building, e.g. garbage containers, piles of cardboard, or transportation trays
- Attention!
- The rescue authorities can permit single case exceptions, for example for storing a larger amount or allowing storage in a different place or limit storing, if safety requires that