Water damage
- Action guide
- Disconnect power from where the leak is and from its proximity.
- Stop the water from flowing, from i.e. the water mains, if possible.
Notify of the situation immediately:
- to the maintenance personnel: Siivoustähdet MK Oy, phone 0505541433, service 0505554004
- to the housing manager: Seppo Hakamäki, tel. 0505090478
- Contact the emergency number if needed 112.
- Main water shutoff: Erillinen varastorakennus pihalla, lämmönjakohuone.
- Heat distribution room: Erillinen varastorakennus pihalla.
- Electricity switchboard: Erillinen varastorakennus pihalla.
- Should there be threat of water outside the building
- Find out what is causing the water threat.
- If there is a leak, try to block it.
- Try to prevent the water from getting into the building.
- by baggings
- by using plastic covers
- by directing the water away from the building
- Call for additional help if needed.